Cookie Day is an annual advocacy event where low-income tenants, families, providers, elected officials, and community members unite to expand and deepen the impact of the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program. The event earned its name from the tradition, started by Homes for Families, of families and advocates handing out house-shaped cookies to elected officials as a reminder to support MRVP. This year MAHT is taking the lead along with various groups across the state to keep this event going.

When: Wednesday March 12th, 10AM

Where: The Church on a Hill, 140 Bowdoin St Boston

The day will feature a speaking program and we will award the big cookie to our MRVP champion. Once the speaking program concludes, we will head to the State House to lobby legislators to get their support to increase funding and codify the program.

Click here to register to attend and set up an appointment with your legislators

Download the flyer in English and Spanish here

For more information contact Jason Lee at [email protected]