On Nov 2, Boston residents voted to PASS Question 1 to increase the power of the City Council and citizens in setting the City's budget priorities!  MAHT endorsed this campaign and conducted outreach over several months to approximately 3,500 tenant voters about the upcoming election. On Election Day, our volunteers covered more than a dozen polling sites (8% of the total citywide) for the Yes on One campaign. WIth Yes on 1 passed, Boston's budget process will become more transport and participatory, giving more power to our city councilors and eventually Boston residents to have a say in the budget, as opposed to the mayor having sole power. This is big news for Boston!
MAHT's hard-working Civic Engagement Team also increased voter turnout at Georgetowne Homes by 5% over the last comparable election—shout out to the team of Robert Folan-Johnson, Luis Sanchez, Cheryl Broderick, Ivonne LaLyre, Karl Celis, Gerda Paullisant, Arthur Sutton,  Cherai Mills and Anelore Jacques!