Join Glyn Robbins, Mel King, and other Boston housing activists for a roundtable discussion at Tent City to take stock after the mayoral election, about where we go from here to move a progressive housing agenda—rent control, new low income housing, and more!
London-based Glyn Robbins is a housing campaigner and leader of Defend Council Housing in the UK, NAHT's sister organization. In 2015, Glyn joined a Forum at Tent City with Mel King on the Future of Public Housing in Boston, kicking off a tour of the US tenant movement in several cities. He has published a terrific book, There’s No Place: The American Housing Crisis and What It Means for the UK.
Glyn is visiting the US for a few days to share his book and serve as a catalyst to bring housing campaigners together, in DC, NYC and Boston. The Boston chapter of Glyn’s book features analysis and discussion of Public Housing privatization, Keep it 100, Right to the City, the No Boston 2024/Olympics campaign and more.
Copies of There's No Place will be available for purchase at the event. Proceeds will be split between Defend Council Housing and the National Alliance of HUD Tenants.
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