During 2017, MAHT has made progress in saving Concord House, 181 apartments in the gentri-fying South End, as affordable housing after the HUD mortgage ends in March 2018.
In May, the owner embraced tenants’ proposal to convert HUD Enhanced Vouchers, expected in 2018, to permanent Section 8 subsidies to preserve affordable housing. Meanwhile, in March tenant Marjorie Williams was socked with a sudden, $400 per month rent hike. MAHT found that Ms. Williams and three other tenants were erroneously charged too much by the owner and Boston Housing Authority. The BHA had even urged Ms. Williams to quit her job as a personal care worker to remain in the building, which turned out to be unnecessary.
MAHT worked with the BHA to win a $400 month rent rollback, and a $1,200 rebate for Ms. Wil-liams. “The rent rollback was a godsend,” says Ms. Williams. “With MAHT”s help, I was able to save my home, and save my job!”
Meanwhile, an amendment to allow 100% preservation of Concord House as Section 8 housing is pending in Congress. MAHT hopes the bill will pass by January, 2018.
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