It is with great sadness we report that tenant leader David Horan, who spoke memorably at MAHT's Annual Meeting in June, has passed away after a short illness.  
Dave was a key leader of the Warren Hall Tenants Association in Brighton.  At the June meeting,  Dave told his story about how the tenants saved their 33 apartments by eventually winning a sale of their 33 apartments to Rick Henken of Federal Management Corporation in a joint venture with the Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation, in March 2024, after years of struggle.   
 Dave helped organize the group in 2011 and was a stalwart leader ever since.  Dave had never met an elected official or travelled to Washington, DC, until he went with the MAHT delegation to Washington in 2011. Dave thinks it was his Bruins cap that won the attention of a key Senate official to support legislation—the Merkeley-Brown Amendment—that protected 30,000 families nationwide who were at risk of losing their homes.    MAHT won the first ever Resident Organizing Award from the National Low Income Housing Coalition for this achievement.  Dave was always proud to join MAHT's delegation to DC to accept the award, in 2012.   
 Over the years, as the building deteriorated, Dave continued to advocate for FMC to purchase the building from the New York based owners, who finally sold to Henken earlier this year.     Dave was thrilled and immediately moved to a new apartment in the building.  Dave's persistence, good humor and down to earth advocacy never flagged.
 Dave was widely known and loved in Brighton from his decades working the deli counter at the Brighton Stop and Shop.  Dave's long time friend Rep. Kevin Honan, contacted MAHT with the sad news that Dave had passed, in June.  
 Although Dave lived to see the building  saved, he died too soon to see it renovated and restored to its former glory.  But other low income tenants will benefit from Dave's leadership in future years.   Rest in Power, Dave Horan!!